Złoty rzepak. New premium brand from Wilmar

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4 min

As one of the leading producers of rapeseed processing products, we are launching a new food brand of cold-pressed refined rapeseed oil, “Złoty Rzepak”. Thus, we are making our debut in the FMCG market.

The health of our customers is important to us!

As the production methods we developed and implemented to give unique qualities of our products. However, it was primarily the need of satisfying the demands of increasingly conscious consumers and observation of the market that has resulted in our creation of a new brand that offers refined rapeseed oil cold-pressed without the use of chemical extraction.

Without chemical extraction means without hexane!

Our team of specialists has developed a unique process for processing rapeseed. The uniqueness of this process includes cold-pressing rapeseed without the use of chemical extraction, as well as the application of a unique refining method. Why is this so important to us? Hexane is a chemical solvent quite commonly used in traditional rapeseed processing. It is not an inert substance for our health. So we created a product that we ourselves would like to consume. It has been created only through processes in which seeds, pressure and temperature are properly selected. We offer refined, cold-pressed rapeseed oil that makes dishes taste like they used to!

The oil will appear on store shelves in 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 litre bottles. Large 5-litre and 10-litre bottles for the professional HORECA market will also be available for sale.

Potencjał Wilmar

Od lat działamy na polskim rynku, budując silnego producenta wyrobów przetwórstwa rzepaku. Dzięki inwestycjom w rozwój potencjału przetwórczego i własnego zaplecza badawczo-rozwojowego poszerzamy zakres naszej aktywności i współpracujemy z coraz szerszym gronem podmiotów z wielu branż. Stawiamy na nowe pomysły, dlatego współdziałamy również ze startupami, którym zapewniamy atrakcyjne możliwości współpracy. Nie ograniczamy się jedynie do standardowych modeli biznesowych, a w odkrywaniu nowych zastosowań rzepaku odnajdujemy pasję i energię do dalszego rozwoju.