We are expanding our offer! New oils and oilcakes at Wilmar Group
We are very pleased to announce the expansion of our portfolio to offer pioneering products to match the needs and expectations of customers and the growing market. Now in our offer in two key groups you will find:

- Crude edible oil from rapeseed pulp
- Crude rapeseed husk oil
- Edible refined oil from rapeseed pulp
- EXTRAMIN FIBER - Rapeseed husk cake
- EXTRAMIN HiPRO - Cold-pressed rapeseed pulp cake
- EXTRAMIN HiPRO EX - Extruded rapeseed pulp cake
Złoty Rzepak
“Golden Rapeseed” oil is a complete novelty on the market! It is exclusively derived from Polish rapeseed, cold-pressed, refined rapeseed oil of the highest quality. “Golden Rapeseed” is made for frying and we have the proof!

Extramin is the material left over after the oil is pressed from rapeseed, which is then extruded. It is a complete feed product with a high content of easily digestible protein (over 90%). It is a product with high energy value (it contains about 9% rapeseed oil), non-GMO and free of chemicals. It can be both a component of compound feeds and used directly in livestock diets.
Refined rapeseed oil
Is produced by refining crude rapeseed oil. During this multi-stage purification process, undesirable substances are removed from the oil, the removal of which opens up possibilities for many of its applications, including in many diverse industries. The process of refining the oil allows it to be used when frying food.

Crude rapeseed oil
Is obtained by pressing rapeseed. It is not refined and retains parameters similar to the oil contained in the grains from which it is extracted. It meets the most desirable health-promoting criteria – being a source of vitamin E, vitamin K and provitamin A. Cold-pressed it has antioxidant properties. To protect the fats it contains and the light-sensitive vitamin E, it comes in brown glass bottles.
Desludged oil
Is obtained by pressing rapeseed, followed by mild desludging. These processes reduce phospholipid components without removing free fatty acids. This type of oil serves as a component in the food, chemical and biofuel industries.

Fatty acid distillate
Is a byproduct of the oil refining process. It is used in the chemical and biofuel industries.
Dried lecithin
Is obtained by separating the phospholipid fraction from crude oil. It is employed in the food industry as an emulsifier, an additive for confectionery and bakery products, as well as in the chemical and cosmetic industries.

Olej rzepakowy surowy
Pozyskiwany jest w procesie tłoczenia nasion rzepaku. Nie jest rafinowany i zachowuje parametry zbliżone do oleju zawartego w ziarnach, z których jest pozyskiwany. Spełnia najbardziej pożądane kryteria prozdrowotne – będąc źródłem witaminy E, witaminy K oraz prowitaminy A. Tłoczony na zimno ma właściwości przeciwutleniające. Aby chronić zawarte w nim tłuszcze i wrażliwą na światło witaminę E, trafia do butelek z brązowego szkła.
Olej odszlamowany
Pozyskiwany jest w drodze tłoczenia nasion rzepaku, a następnie w wyniku łagodnego odszlamiania. W procesach tych zmniejsza się zawartość składników fosfolipidowych bez usuwania wolnych kwasów tłuszczowych. Ten rodzaj oleju wykorzystywany jest jako komponent w przemyśle spożywczym, chemicznym i biopaliwach.
Destylat kwasów tłuszczowych
Jest produktem ubocznym procesu rafinacji oleju. Znajduje zastosowanie w przemyśle chemicznym i biopaliw.
Suszona lecytyna
Otrzymywana w procesie rozdziału frakcji fosfolipidów od oleju surowego. Stosowana jest w przemyśle spożywczym jako emulgator, dodatek do wyrobów cukierniczych i piekarskich, jak również w przemyśle chemicznym i kosmetycznym.
Potential of Wilmar
We have been operating in the Polish market for years, consolidating our position as a strong producer of rapeseed processing products. Thanks to investments in the development of processing potential and our own R&D facilities, we are expanding the scope of our activities and cooperating with an increasingly wide range of entities from many industries. We focus on new ideas, which is why we also interact with start-ups, to which we provide attractive cooperation opportunities. We are not limited to standard business models, and discovering new uses for rapeseed is our passion and drives us towards further development.