HEXAN free technology

The method we use to process our rapeseed, including the production of rapeseed cake, uses an extrusion process, and is a hexane-free technology. Its application results in products guaranteed to be of the highest quality that are combined with health safety and respect for the environment. The process of converting rapeseed into finished products is limited in our company only to subjecting the raw material to physical factors: pressure and temperature.
As a result, our naturally pressed rapeseed oil is produced exclusively through processes in which we properly select the seeds, pressure and temperature. This is important for consumers who are becoming more conscious and focused on personal health and on choosing quality products. The complete safety of the product and the health of its recipients is of paramount importance to us.
On the other hand, our manufactured cake used in feed provides animals with essential and complete nutrients while translating into a significant improvement in herd condition.
Hexane is a solvent extracted during petroleum refining. It is widely used in the food industry, especially in the oil industry, where it is employed to increase the efficiency of the oil production process. Despite its actual effectiveness in this regard, studies show that the presence of hexane in feeds has toxic effects: among others, increasing the risk of impaired fertility and strongly affecting the central nervous system. Not wanting to expose our customers and the environment to the potential dangers of this substance, the cake we produce does not come into contact with chemical solvents, including hexane, at any stage of production.